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Showing posts with the label Hindu Quotes

Failure to Discriminate.

Ignorance is the failure to discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent, the pure and the impure, bliss and suffering, the Self and the non-Self. -The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


To take what rightfully belongs to another, is like a Muslim eating pork, or a Hindu eating beef. Our Guru, our Spiritual Guide, stands by us, if we do not eat those carcasses. -Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes.

Ignorance obscures.

The Lord does not partake in the good and evil deeds of any person; judgment is clouded when wisdom is obscured by ignorance. But ignorance is destroyed by knowledge of the Self within. -Bhagavad Gita.

Hindu Quotes : Sense.

I am not detachment nor salvation, Nor anything reached by the senses; I am behold all thought and form. I am everywhere, and nowhere at all- I am Consciousness and Bliss. I am Shiva! I am Shiva! - Shankaracharya